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Photos, Section 1

Most of the photographs on this website were scanned from postcard size photographs.  However, others were scanned directly from B & W negatives.  The formats of these negatives varied widely, ranging from 1.7cm x 2.5cm, 5cm x 3cm as well as 7cm x 4.5cm.  Other formats, such as the square 6cm x 6cm were also found.  Some 15cm x 10cm prints were also scanned.

Unfortunately, because of the ravages of time, the quality of most negatives was not what one would have liked it to be.  Slight enhancements in contrast, brightness and gamma were required to bring the final product to acceptable quality.  Some cropping of certain photos was also resorted to because of the constraints of size.

However, no digital manipulation was resorted to except to enhance the quality where the passage of years and bad storage had left their mark.

Most photographs do not carry documentation at all except a small label bearing the photographer’s postal address (copyright attempt ?).  Therefore, one cannot actually date the photographs accurately.  The occasional photo carries some background detail that helps in its dating.  However, family members, including my own mother date the photos to the period starting immediately from the immediate post war period and spanning to the late fifties, giving the photos a span of about 15 years.  One particular photo has full documentation on the back (that is full technical information except the date). 

This dates this particular photograph to 1951 at the earliest, which is the date when this particular model of camera started to be manufactured.  Notice also the Imperial distances in feet.


Noel Ciantar
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